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Human rights

The Unexpected Health Effects of Air Pollution

What needs to be done to lower long-term exposure to carbon monoxide?04/10/2023
Is "improved coal" working?01/26/2023
About usEnvironment
Let's Take Action! Breathe Mongolia’s Air Pollution Reduction Project now Underway10/12/2022
"Changing Skies" Film by Asher Svidenksy 10/21/2021
About usAdvocacy
Breathe Mongolia and Green Dot release climate change and air pollution quiz challenges to accelerate youth education09/07/2022
HealthLocal news
Air pollution in Mongolia is not just a capital city problem, but a nationwide problem04/14/2022
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Breathe Mongolia Wins the International Lead2030 Challenge supported AstraZeneca05/02/2022

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We curate relevant Mongolian and English articles, in addition to writing original pieces about air pollution in Mongolia and worldwide . If you have suggestions, contact hello@breathemongolia.org
Agaar Neg platfrom by Breathe Mongolia

Agaar Neg platfrom by Breathe Mongolia

Latest on Breathe Mongolia

Latest on Breathe Mongolia

About us

We participated as a supporting organization in the opening event of the Dear Tomorrow international campaign

About us

The "Earth School” Program has started!


©2019-2024 Breathe Mongolia - Clean Air Coalition, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Breathe Mongolia - Clean Air Coalition is a 501(c)3 nonprofit in the US (Agaariin Kharuul nonprofit in Mongolia).

Breathe Mongolia is not responsible for the content of external sites.